Is there a test to determine whether GLM overdispersion is significant?
I'm creating Poisson GLMs in R. To check for overdispersion I'm looking at the ratio of residual deviance to degrees of freedom provided by summary( . Is there a cutoff value or test for this ratio to be considered "significant?" I know that if it's >1 then the data are overdispersed, but if I have ratios relatively close to 1 [for example, one ratio of 1.7 (residual deviance = 25.48, df=15) and another of 1.3 (rd = 324, df = 253)], should I still switch to quasipoisson/negative binomial? I found here this test for significance: 1-pchisq(residual deviance,df), but I've only seen that once, which makes me nervous. I also read (I can't find the source) that a ratio < 1.5 is generally safe. Opinions? Thanks! | |
In the R package AER you will find the function
dispersiontest , which implements a Test for Overdispersion by Cameron & Trivedi (1990). It follows a simple idea: In a Poisson model, the mean is Example:
Here we clearly see that there is evidence of overdispersion (c is estimated to be 5.57) which speaks quite strongly against the assumption of equidispersion (i.e. c=0). Note that if you not use trafo=1 , it will actually do a test of |
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